Friday, December 26, 2014


As I unlock the door, they peep
from the corners and wait.
Then tiptoe as shadows
and knowing that pills nor potions would help,
curl up in bed
with coffee that is salted with tears.

But I have no laws to expel
cohorts of silence that roam
all through my empty little rooms.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Life's all aflutter outside:
busy little feet are rushing along streets
as wheels keep on moving
and engines still bustle,
all towards throbbings of life.

Coffee in hand,
I spectate and chuckle to myself -
the holidays, the holidays are here!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Evening; around eight.
Screeches of hawkers and wheels.

she slipped off her hood and crossed
As a fawn from a thicket in dark.

The sun shone bright in our eyes.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Truant Eyes

Hazel eyes framed, with bright brown locks
Glow as if pearls in sleep-sullen shells
And matched with the radiance of alabaster skin
Startle my long finished brushstrokes in veins
That rivet me at once on my spot.

My truant eyes curl on stripes of her coat
And turn towards buttons full of mesmerised hope
And latch onto that necklace with despairing claws
As a drowner would cling to his straws.

Glimpses in neurons now weave
Valleys and hills full of bloom.

Farewell, my winters of gloom!
Heartstrings in ecstasy now leap,
With lush, little leaves in their loom.